Croatian Comparative Law Association (CCLA) is part of the dio global network of national associations gathered under the roof of the head organisation International Academy of Comparative Law. The CCLA members include scientists, judges, attorneys and other legal practitioners with interest in studying comparative law. The most important activities relate to organisation of the conferences, publishing books and appointing national reporters for the international congresses of the head organisation which take place every four years.

Institute for European and Comparative Law (IECL) of the Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka was established in 2002. Its main activities include scientific research in the area of European and comparative law, organization of scientific and professional conferences and offering courses within its efforts to provide lifelong learning opportunities for judges, attorneys and other legal practitioners. It also provides expert legal opinions in different areas of law.
Fridtjof Nansen Institute is an independent foundation engaged in research on international environmental, energy and resource management politics. Within this framework, the Institute's research is mainly grouped around seven focal points: Global environmental governance and law; Climate change; Law of the Sea and marine affairs; Biodiversity and genetic resources; Arctic and Russian politics; European energy and environment; Chinese energy and environment.

Jean Monnet Inter-University Centre of Excellence Opatija, was established in 2010 by the Jean Monnet Chairs of the Faculty of Law of the University of Rijeka and Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb. The Centre is committed to organizing seminars and conferences, professional training activities, developing graduate and postgraduate degree programs and pursuing multidisciplinary research in the field of European studies. 

Croatian Competition Agency (CCA) is a regulatory agency established by the Decision of the Croatian Parliament of 20 September 1995 (operative as of early 1997). The CCA performs the activities within its scope and powers in independent and autonomous manner and is accountable to the Croatian Parliament for attaining its objectives.  The responsibilities and powers of the CCA are prescribed by the Competition Act which covers its activities in the area of antitrust and merger control.

As of 1 January 2010, the Judicial Academy functions as a public institution whose objectives include efforts to create conditions for the implementation of initial training programmes for trainees in judicial bodies and candidates for judges and deputy prosecutors (the State School for Judicial Officials programme) and to ensure ongoing professional training for judges and deputy prosecutors.